Monday, April 14, 2014

Why Netflix Grinds My Gears (but not enough to stop using it)

Life Sized Al from FMA

With new ways to watch content popping up all over the internet, it can be difficult to know if you are getting a good deal.  The $8 monthly fee for instant streaming of movies (while they may tend to be old and lacking in quantity), TV shows, cartoons and anime has always seemed reasonable to me.

I understand that due to licensing and rights and server capacity and other such things, it is difficult for Netflix to increase the amount of content it provides.  However, there are a few instances of which I feel are plain silly.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

A fantastic anime to watch, Netflix has streamed it as well as the other Fullmetal Alchemist series and two feature films.  However, if you scroll through the episodes they provide for instant view, you can see that Netflix stops at episode 14 of Brotherhood instead of continuing the show on.  Why in tarnation would anyone want to watch half of a season of a show and be completely content with stopping in the middle.

The show has been released for quite some time now, it is not as if Netflix must wait for the rest of the season to become available (in the case of How I Met Your Mother).  Which does not prove, but probably means Netflix just doesn't believe those with only instant access are worthy of seeing Roy Mustang fuck shit up.

D-Grey Man

Another anime that many love.  Once you get through season two, you are done.  Netflix decides to stop its consumers from ever discovering the fate General Cross.  Those bastards!

Cowboy Bebop

The feature film was once available to view instantly on Netflix, but as time passes they change their availability.  It has been years since they have allowed anyone to view any space cowboy action (unless you want to watch Mal pilot Serenity with the ever so talented Summer Glau and beautiful Morena Baccarin).  I love Firefly but Trigun is no Cowboy Bebop. 

No Interaction

Netflix should allow its consumers to vote, or decide in one way or another the content it provides.  I know Netflix is a company that has been so very gracious as to allow us to use its services for an agreed upon fee, it really is doing everything it has said it would, but it is a business and businesses do better when their consumers are content.

With competition increasing Netflix may need to find a better way than Max to help its consumers find the content they are looking for.  

I'm not a Netflix expert, but I love to watch movies and shows and geeky/nerdy documentaries.  While Netflix has plenty of Ted Talks I want to hear what you think.  Please share your thoughts in the comments below and like and follow if you love anime too!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Free Computer Education


Codecademy is how anyone with internet access can learn web development of many types.  It has become an essential part of every web gurus playbook, a resource for both the computer professional and those who are viewing their first web page (if this was your first web page I find it odd that you had this article set as your home page, but am none the less flattered).


HyperText Markup Language or HTML is what allows you to see this page, the next page and most all the pages you have ever seen on the internet.  It is not a computer programming language, however, it is a markup language.  Basically, all that means is that you could not see this page if you did not have a browser which decodes a bunch of text and makes it look like a neat fancy web page.

Codecademy has easy start to finish tracks you can fallow as well as other projects to expand your knowledge and application of concepts.  The lessons are all free and have tips and forums if you need any help, advice, or tutoring (if you will).


While it is not the language Java, which many delightful games run on, it is a very useful and essential language.  Many web based games operate using JavaScript and much of the features you see on websites are built using JavaScript.  

Just like at HTML, Codecademy, teaches JavaScript with the same smooth ease and kindness while making sure to emphasize core concepts and build long lasting knowledge.  The more you learn, the easier it becomes to understand other languages provided by Codecademy (unlike spoken languages, French and Spanish use completely different sounds than German or Arabic).

Other Languages




And growing...

It is not a degree, but the vast amount of detailed knowledge provided by Codecademy is far more than enough to create professional web based applications of all types.  Codecademy even allows its users to share their creations and show others how they made them.  An ever growing community of those who wish to expand their computer literacy, for those who wish to expand their computer literacy.

If you use Codecademy already please like and share, comment what you think of it.  If you have questions about the site you can check it out or comment below as well.

Devil May Cry: 2015?

DMC Logo

Capcom, the folks that have so kindly supplied us with so much demon slaying action, have plans on a 2015 release of the newest addition to the Devil May Cry series.

While Capcom has not officially released a new addition to the franchise we have all grown to love, however back in 2012 Capcom revealed that they wanted to keep the time between their major titles to around 2.5 years.  This would put Dante's antics to occur sometime around 2015 or 2016, due to outsourcing game development, with DMC: Devil May Cry running on the Unreal Engine that many 2012 and 2013 releases ran on.

Virgil cannot prevent how badly fans would love to control Dante in a more complex world with even more fluid controls, gameplay and graphics.  With modern technology it would not be strange to imagine any sequel to have some sort of massive online experience.  The PS4 could alter the way we see and play Devil May Cry games, however, Capcom has a feel to their games that fans crave.  If Capcom was to make any possible sequel too different they could risk the fate of the entire franchise.

Personally, I have my fingers crossed for any chance to run around as Dante.  There is something about smashing demons with Arbiter or shooting them to oblivion with Ebony and Ivory.  With releases like WatchDogs and Theif changing the scope of modern games, the comfortable and familiarity of Capcom and their franchises such as Resident Evil and Devil May Cry will be there for gamers of all kinds to relax and obliterate demons and zombies like we have for years.

More information can be found here.

Share your opinions on the possibility of a new Devil May Cry installment in our near future in the comments below.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Persona 5: E3 2014


Atlus, the brain behind the Persona games PlayStation users have been playing for years, is on the E3 2014 roleplaying game booth list.  Atlus has revealed Persona 5 to release sometime in 2015 for PS3 users.  No doubt a release for the new PS4 system was considered but probably postponed or ditched due to publishing costs or such things.  Atlus could be waiting to reveal the game on PS4 during the conference, but with their release of other games with Nintendo it could go either way.

Anime Fans

No matter how graphics systems develop and engines change the way people experience games, there will always be a following of gamers who hold plot and clever progression above all else.  Atlus has done well to provide a decent amount of choice and variety in the Persona franchise, Persona 5 does not look to disappoint.

Atlus normally offers several different plot lines to unfold depending on your interactions in the game.  After viewing the teaser I have no doubt that the story for Persona 5 will offer a plethora of freedom.


The teaser that can be found here, if you didn't see it earlier, shows an almost Guy Fox feel to it.  The darker themes of the franchise matches the teaser well and I believe fans will see it and be thrilled.  The mysterious web page and almost Anonymousesque video leaves fans to imagine the possibilities Atlus could reveal at the E3 conference.  It also shows how the developers are incorporating concepts of choice and freedom, the very things that make RPGs so appealing to gamers, and implementing them as key concepts in the story.

We know that Atlus will be at E3 and we can assume that at least one of its booths will be devoted to its head franchise.  Tell me in comments what you want to see Atlus present at E3 2014 this June.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Shadow of Mordor in My Pants

While it would be fine and dandy with me if Monolith's game Shadow of Mordor was in my pants.  I would take it home and play with it all day long, not unlike what many do with what they keep in their pants.  The difference would be that I would be playing an advanced new way of gameplay.

1. Nemesis

Not the planet that probably won't bring destruction to the world in a few million years, nor the super villain.  The Nemesis System is something that gamers have been praying for for years.  Finally programmers have taken the time to develop the ability for antagonists in the game to progress, not just the main character, visible in the gameplay trailer.  

This system might not sound all too glorious yet, with numerous LOTR themed games trying and failing to make a lasting impact.  However, regardless of the games success, this innovative system is definitely a step to a world of vastly more interactive games.  Shadow of Mordor will probably not be perfect, but with this new system at our finger tips most would agree that the possibilities are thrilling.

2. More Tolkien

Many fans of the Tolkien universe will be more than happy to play Shadow of Mordor purely to see more of Tolkien's infinite world.  The average gamer, however, isn't a giant Tolkien nut.  HAHAHAHAHA, most gamers might not be as big a fan of Tolkien as this, now biased, writer, but much of the gaming world owes its beginnings to concepts Tolkien conceived.  

J.R.R. Tolkien (Journalists are all screaming at my use of his initials and last name, take that AP format I defy you), combined lore from across the ages and created a vivid world with separate cultures, creatures and creation.  If a gamer doesn't find Shadow of Mordor appealing due to its Tolkien inspiration they may find it appealing due to the Dungeons and Dragons game style fandom that has amassed over the years since Tolkien introduced the world the Middle Earth.

3. Plot

Gamers tend to love a good tragedy, Dante's Inferno, God of War, or Fable for example (Fable may be the saddest of all depending on how you play).  It has been revealed that your character in Shadow of Mordor is the lone survivor of a horrible attack by the forces of darkness, oh so tragic, and witnesses the murder of his family (still no Marley and Me, nothing is sad like Marley and Me).  Cursed to wonder the world, part man part wraith, our hero sets out to get vengeance. 

4. Gameplay 

During said vengeance the character uses an Assassin's Creed movement style, while the fights seem more similar to Arkam:City brawling.  This may be to account for the protagonists bulkier Numenorean frame in comparison to Altair or Etzio and the way he would fight due to it.  The movement is made more interactive due to the wraith abilities visible in the gameplay trailer.

When we see the nemesis system we see enemies growing stronger, weaker, scarring, hating.  They evolve too.  Gamers have used strategy to outsmart the NPC's but this new interaction provides a more realistic and fluid experience.

Make sure to keep an eye on your feet while playing Shadow of Mordor, you never know where they will take you.  Tell me how you feel about Shadow of Mordor whether you believe it to be a turning point in the way we interact in games or if you believe it will be a flop tell us in the comments below.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Jedi Master Walt Disney

Geeky the Nerd starts off with some basic nerdiness.  Remember watching Luke Skywalker speed across the sandy, arid, desert in search of his lost R-2 unit?  Would you remember it so fondly if instead of sandpeople Luke had to be rescued from a bunch of furry forest animals or pirates?

Truth is, Disney filming more StarWars films probably can't be worse than Episodes 1-3.  I am glad but yet saddened by the return of our original heroes.  I almost wish Disney would do them in complete motion capture.  It would allow for Jedi Master Luke Skywalker to show prowess with the force due to his inherited high midichlorian count.  Mark Hamill might have a bit of trouble defending his fellow companions against untold of foes but if CGI can allow him to dance like Master Yoda he would fair much better.

Regardless, Disney has shown some versatility in the years apart from the hokey family movies we loved and then grew to find completely void of value and then grew to love due to nostalgia then grew contempt for again due to time wasted watching hand drawn cartoons (that aren't Myazaki films).  They did Pirates of the Caribbean which was okay for the first one or two but in my opinion lost appeal with the loss of Ms.Knightley.  

We have the technology, we can build it better and stronger.  We can do StarWars like never before imagined.  Can Disney do it?  George Lucas may have believed in a new era of StarWars, if so Disney might have shown the ability to bring that era to fruition.  

All in all, I am worried and excited.  I am a fan, not an expert and while I may have researched the Jedi religion I am not a Jedi Knight.  I am worried not because Disney is trying to continue something I love, but because change is scary.  I am worried because I am excited, because if it isn't an accurate representation of this universe that George Lucas created for us all those years ago (since before a lot of you were born) I might like it a little less.  

Even though it is a tumultuous time to be a StarWars fan, with those ready to embrace the new and those steadfast in the old ways it is exciting.  StarWars history, one way or another is being made.  We as fans get to be a part of it.  I am afraid it will suck, honest, but I will still see it...eventually it isn't even filmed yet.